Part 48: Episode 5: Part 4: To Hell with this city!
Episode 5: Part 4: To Hell with this city!xrunner" post="495346019 posted:
How many unwinnable fights is that at this point?
Speaking of unwinnable fights, one of my favourite jrpgs is FFIX, and The Way manages to top even that game. Though, in The Ways favor you don't get beaten like 4 times by the very same character and never get a chance after to avenge those losses.
If you count plunges as unwinnable fights... there was three unwinnable plunges in Episode 1.
Though two of those end before Rhue actually loses, you do actually lose the plunge against the Novice Headhunter and before that the Novice Headhunter auto-defeats you after you -technically- defeat him in a boss battle.
In Episode 2, there's the plunge against Rosmar that Rhue would've lost if Rhue didn't maim him.
Episode 3 has... No forced losses, I think.
Episode 4 has uh... None as well I think?
Episode 5 alone has had Strata absolutely destroy us, then the Dark Lyn absolutely wreck our shit even harder, and now Slade merely kicked our ass badly. That's one per update. Lol.
I'm also not counting the times Rhue's been KO'd in cutscenes which I think has happened like 5 times.
So that's 5 -unwinnable- plunges, two boss fights you lose, and one boss fight you technically have to win, but you lose anyway.

Maybe those monsters we saw will keep the Vigilante and the Guided busy till we can slip out of here.

Ah, we're here again. The Council building.

This thing's no threat.

And Cetsa has largely the same garbage as Lexus, except a bit better.

Anyway, the right path has collapsed so we have to retread some old ground, even if it looks much worse now and is infested with monsters.

Then we go up the stairs there, get some loot, and we're outside. And Rhue says: "Sweet Lands...!"

The two decide that unless the main wall has collapsed, the main gate is their best bet.

Nice red stuff.

Sheesh, so serious some people.

Anyway, we fought one double Mesher encounter like this inside, but they're outside too. And as you may guess, a ruined city means looters. I mean us. There's lots of loot to pick p on the way out.

Fire edge levels up but I leave it on since Meshers are strong to air.

Houses are a new form of treasure chest for this dungeon!!

Palbroys are just kind of normal. No weaknesses or strengths, just some hard hitting attacks.

We jump the red stuff.

And this home, where we saw the boy Johnny who wanted to pee outside, has a optional scene in it.

We can suddenly hear the beating of a heart... There's a lengthy pause between each of the next few lines here too.

(Why is that?)

The heartbeat stops here.

I never would have seen it if I hadn't stopped to look at myself in the mirror.

And so, we move on... Eventually we come to a familiar spot.

Someone left a Stricite by Lexus' grave, so Rhue takes it. And off we go, looting a few more houses and chests lying around.

There's also a huge non-red stuff crack dividing a fair amount of the city.

Mental Flow maxes out, so I start on Red Shine... and eventually...

Then, he turns around and spots Cetsa, so he pushes Rhue out of the way...

Cetsa gives Dirk a good whallop.

Rhue looks back and forth between Cetsa and Dirk a few times...


She's a skilled warrior, a former Blood Lyn in fact. She could really help us out.

I don't know why the game bothers showing us the map here, I can't open it myself, so it's not like I can refer to it!
Anyway, Dirk joins up with us and he's still as bad as earlier.

Rhue kneels by Kloe...

And then there's a bang as something falls through the ceiling.

This little bastard is strong to elemental auras which means Rhue and especially Dirk aren't too good against it. Despite all that, if Rhue can prone it even once with his Hurricane attack, it'll go down without causing much trouble.

It was a pretty hard fall...
I must have been out of it for a little while, until I heard your voice.

This makes Cetsa jump in surprise.

"I don't enjoy killing at all, and I've always used it as a last resort.
The truth is I'm not nearly as bad as most people think."
I still don't know how seriously we're meant to take this line. The Blue Scarves are nasty bandits, and we saw Dancing Violet lead their attack on Turnway. But she really didn't kill Ballar. Maybe she just lets her minions do the killing and avoids it herself. Or she can't control them as well as she'd like.

Anyway, we've still got a fair bit to go before we finally escape Estrana. And even then, we wont ever -truly- escape it. Ha ha.
the end